Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Shirley Jackson and Her Short Stories - 631 Words

Shirley Jackson’s stories often had a woman as the central character who was in search of a more important life other than the conventional wife and mother. These characters however were often chastised for their refusal to conform to a woman’s traditional way of life. Much like her characters, throughout Shirley Jackson’s life, she also rejected the idea of fitting into societys perception of a womans role. Shirley Jackson was married to writer and literary critic Stanley Edgar Hyman. Hyman was threatened by Jackson’s talent and often discourage her. Because of this discouragement her tales develop into her revolt against a male-dominated society and her domineering husband. Jackson’s rebellion against society’s opinion of a woman’s†¦show more content†¦The towns’ people live by a strict rule of gender roles. The boys collect stones for the lottery and the men converse about planting and the rain, tractors and taxes, the girls stand aside quietly joking and the women exchanged bits of gossip (Jackson 1). Jackson seemed to struggle with her identity or place as a daughter, wife, mother, and writer. Her characters also seemed to be in search of their identity. In Jackson’s story â€Å"The Haunting of Hill House† Eleanor Vance is clearly searching for her identity. Eleanor was responsible for the care of her recently deceased mother. She was also in charge of her sister and was not afforded to live her life as she would have liked. Dr. Montagues invitation to Hill House is Eleanor’s chance to escape and live her own life. As Eleanor makes her way to Hill House, she refers to the magic thread of road. . . [that] could lead her from where she was to where she wanted to be (17). In the end, Eleanor cannot return to her former life. She chooses her path with suicide as a way to stay with the house. Eleanor says, I am really doing it, I am doing this all by myself, now, at last; this is me, I am really really really doing it by myself (245), it is apparent she is at peace and has found her identity. Jacksons writing usually stayed along the themes of one searching for identity or the injustice a character faced yet, readers and critics were puzzled by her characters and categorized Jackson as a supernatural writer. In factShow MoreRelated Shirley Jacksons The Lottery 946 Words   |  4 PagesShirley Jackson is said to be one of the most â€Å"brilliant and influential authors of the twentieth century.† â€Å"Her fiction writing is some of the most important to come out of the American literary canon.† ( Jackson wrote many short stories and even some books. They are more on the dark, witchlike side, however. Kelleher explains that Jackson stated in some interviews that she practiced magic. No one really knows if she was serious while practicing witchcraftRead MoreShirley Jackson’s Constant Battle of Self Satisfaction879 Words   |  4 PagesDarryl Hattenhauer, Shirley Jackson, an American gothic author, was ranked amon g Americas most highly regarded fiction writers during the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s (1). Jackson argued that â€Å"a good story must engage its reader, persuade him that he wants to belong in the story for as long as it lasts† and if the author fails to provide such experience then they can consider their work a failure (Hall 113). The idea of authors providing an experience of enjoyment, made Jackson a successful writerRead MoreAnalysis Of Shirley Jackson s Flower Garden 1511 Words   |  7 PagesKnown for her psychological thrillers, Shirley Jackson has always been able to get into the mind of the reader and force them to think of the deeper meaning behind her stories. However, it is always brought to question if her best selling works were a result of her poor mental health. Growing up, Jackson had always felt like an outsider; dealing with a cruel mother and other children her age only fueled her isolation later in life. As a way to record her feelings and thoughts, Jack son began writingRead MoreAn Unkindness of Tradition: Shirley Jackson ´s Biography1624 Words   |  7 Pagesmorbid and daunting way of writing. A common form is that of suspense and mystery. Shirley Jackson takes mystery to a distinctive level. She depicts an era that has not yet been revealed. By looking at the background of this author, analyzing her writing and responding personally you will better enhance your learning experience and connection with this type of dark literature. Author Biography Shirley Jackson was an extremely well liked American author during the 1900s. However, in recent yearsRead MoreThe Lottery by Shirley Jackson1764 Words   |  7 Pagesyou read something that made you question your entire life? How would you react? A suspenseful gothic thriller told in fewer than 4,000 words, filled with excitement and eeriness, leaving the reader speechless. The Lottery , a short story written by famous writer Shirley Jackson, created an uproar on June 26, 1948, when it was published in the magazine The New Yorker (Ball). The gothic thriller, set in an unknown time and place, shares the tradition of a small town, a little larger than three hundredRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Lottery By Shirley Jackson910 Words   |  4 PagesLiterary Analysis of the Short Story â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson Shirley Jackson explores the subject of tradition in her short story â€Å"The Lottery†. A short story is normally evaluated based on its ability to provide a satisfying and complete presentation of its characters and themes. Shirley describes a small village that engages in an annual tradition known as â€Å"the lottery†. Narrating the story from a third person point of view, Shirley uses symbolism, foreshadowing and suspense to illustrateRead MoreThe Unexpected Surprise of Violence1009 Words   |  5 Pagesvalued once risks are taken, but the outcome is never expected. Shirley Jackson, reader of witchcraft books, horrifies people with her perspective on the understanding of merciless rituals that kept communities at ease. Shirley Jackson develops her theme of unexpected violence in her short story â€Å"The Lottery† through the use of irony, symbolism, and denouement. On a summer day in a small town in the short story, â€Å"The Lottery†, Jackson takes advantage of the peaceful environment and adds a convolutedRead MoreThe Lottery By Shirley Jackson. 1. Focus/Thesis For Your885 Words   |  4 Pages THE LOTTERY by Shirley Jackson 1. Focus/thesis for your essay on the story you are researching The traditions and the rituals of the lottery authored by Shirley Jackson seems to be just as old as the town itself, more so since most residents don’t actually recall any of the old rituals, ven the Old Man Warner, who celebrates his 77th lottery. This implies that they are archaic in some ways and they are rooted in the traditions and superstitions that seem to include the crops and the human sacrificeRead MoreAnalysis of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson993 Words   |  4 Pageswe blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow. Shirley Jackson was born in 1919 in San Francisco, California to Leslie and Geraldine Jackson. She is most well known for her short story titled â€Å"The Lottery† which was first published in The New Yorker to overwhelming and mixed reviews. The lottery, as portrayed in the short story, is a religious, annual ceremony in the afternoon of June 27. This event is said to be older than Old Man WarnerRead MoreLiterary Elements in The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson1334 Words   |  6 PagesThe short story, â€Å"The Lottery,† by Shirley Jackson communicates this theme by showing how the villagers participate in a lottery every year. In life , there are people who follow tradition because the have to, or they are used to following without question. The author, Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1916 in San Francisco, California. In 1937, Shirley Jackson attended Syracuse University where she began to write short stories. She was famous for the short story, â€Å"The Lottery,† and her best

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How does Shakespeare make Act 1, Scene 1 exciting and dramatic Free Essays

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare’s most memorable plays. The play is based on star-crossed lovers with tragedy, violence, love and arguments. The story of Romeo and Juliet is about two lovers that can’t be together because their families are enemies, but nothing can’t stop them and at the end both of them due in a dramatic way. We will write a custom essay sample on How does Shakespeare make Act 1, Scene 1 exciting and dramatic? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main themes are romance, tragedy and conflict. The play is relevant for us because those kinds of things still happen, young people kill them self because of love and in some families, the girls can’t be able to pick her own husbands, the females have to do the house work and the males are supposed to bring money home. The play was set in the 14th century. Shakespeare had to face loads of challenges to make the play interesting, also he had to keep on improving, to not get the audience throw the food on stage, if they have done that, then this meant that the play is boring. Theatre in Shakespeare era was a place where rich people could go to rest, and have fun, whereas the poor people would be able to earn money, by selling beer, snacks, or collecting the lost money. Theatre nowadays is a place that must be cultural; you are not allowed to throw food on stage, if you do so you have to leave. In Shakespeare era there weren’t any spot lights or CD players which form you could be able to play music, or add sound effect, so Shakespeare had to make scene dramatic and exciting by costumes, voices, words and body language. The servants are the first characters on the stage. They grab the audience’s attention because servants are not very important, they are on a bottom shelf in your life, and they are also known as not educated people. Thought that all the best things should only happened to them, but over a time everything has changed. Some people would like seeing servant because they are normally low status, so called groundlings. The rich people might felt weird when they saw someone poor on the stage, because how can someone lower classes than them perform, also they never could expect that. The opening scene begins with just two characters on the stage and soon there where more than ten, fighting fiercely. Shakespeare decision to include a fight at the beginning was clever because he made the play exciting and dangerous; most of the people enjoyed it, because when the beginning is great the rest must be much better. `Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them which is disgrace to them, if they bare it` this shows that Sampson is planning everything out carefully, and knows what going to make them fight. Sampson and Gregory are very good friends, and it shows that they trust each other, but Sampson is more clever than him, because he is the one that plans everything out. Tybalt and Benvolio have very contrasting characters. Tybalt seems to be angry while Benvolio is calm. ‘Part, fools! ‘ this shows that Benvolio is trying to stop the fight; this also tells as that Benvolio is a peace maker and that he has manners and he is higher status. The explanation mark show’s that he is shouting and trying get attention from the fighters. On the other hand, Tybalt says `As I hate hell, all Montagues and thee`. This quote suggests he is angry and want to continue the trouble, so called fight. The audience might enjoy seeing him on stage. He also shows that he like to be everywhere, where trouble begins, he also must be the start of it, or join in, somebody else’s trouble. Shakespeare then changes the mood of opening scene from a serious fight to comical rows between husbands and wives. When Lady Capulet says `A crutch, a crutch! Why call you for a sword? ` it may make the audience giggle or laugh because a women is shouting, at her husband and making him feel old and unusable. The scene could be also dramatic, Lord Capulet could go up and hit the women, and show her no respect. The scene is also exciting because in this scene woman is showing no respect to man, which normally is the other way round. This shows the audience that not only men can be in control, and they are the one that should wear pants, which mean to be in control. The males in the audience would have felt ashamed because the other main male character, is not able to join the fight, because of his wife, she didn’t let him. Women however would felt joyful because a woman is keeping a man on a short string. As the scene continues, the fight escalates and Shakespeare introduces Prince Escalus to try and stop the violence. The Prince represents a figure of a strong person, which everybody should be scared of. Prince Escalus represent is responsible for everything that happens; he is like a boss or leader to everyone. He is protecting, and making sure everyone is safe when he is around. Shakespeare needs this character to be able to change the mood of the play. In the Elizabethan era everyone enjoyed the fight in the play, because it was difficult to see them on the street. Fights were improving everyone’s humor, so Shakespeare had needed a character to stop the fight, and make the audience react differently. The audience could be very angry about stopping something that they had enjoyed. The upper classes may be happy because the violence has stopped, and is not giving anyone such a bad example. The groundling will be upset, because they are not used to see fight with upper class people. The prince speech used language to create a change of mood, `Purple foundations issuing my veins. In this quotation the Prince had used a metaphor, he is trying to compare our veins to foundations, because the blood would never stop going around our body. He is trying to tell everyone that, the anger should stay inside of us, like the blood in veins; Prince is also trying to say that the fight is unneeded. This gives us impression that the Prince is treating everyone equal, he never keeps anyone’s side. This language contributes to making Act 1, Scene 1 a dramatic and effective opening, because Prince is changing the mood, he also shows everyone his opinion about fighting. The introduction of Romeo to the opening scene is interesting because we get to learn more about his character before he even appears on stage. From Benvolio and Lord Montague we learn that Romeo is fed up, sad and unhappy. This can make the audience feel curious or annoyed because the main character, start form being very negative about life, while he is rich and can get anything he want. Romeo’s conversation with his cousin reveals a lot about his character and grabs the audience’s attention. ` Why the, O brawling love, O loving hate` Romeo is talking about love difficulty, why does it have to be so painful. Romeo had used oxymoron’s, `loving hate` those two words are opposite of each other, by using language like that he shows the audience that he is very confused about his life. The audience alternatively might think that Romeo is too young to know anything about love problems, and that he is not able to show his emotions. Normally 15 years old boy should have a positive character, and minds full of having fun. Shakespeare adds more elements of drama to the first scene, when Benvolio tells Romeo that he should have another look for good-looking girls. By giving liberty into thine eyes, examine other beauties. ` This could be exacting because Romeo could have an argument with him, about what love really is, and it not about only being beauty. Benvolio had sounded like, he never would understand love, and all he thinks about is girls’ beauty, not what she has to offers, inside her. He is not trying to understand Romeo feeling, he is telling him, to try to find someone else, and forget about the other girl. In my conclusion, Act 1 Scene 1 is very exciting and dramatic, it makes the audience want to see more, it also explains the whole play action. Shakespeare successfully had used the first scene to introduce the themes of the play, love, argument, tragedy. Shakespeare also had good introducing of characters, such as Romeo and enemies, Shakespeare engages with a range of audience members, through language, action, humor and romance, for example females would be excited when they will be seeing romance, whereas males would be very excited watching fights. In my opinion the play is great for young people, because it explains how much love can be painful and the confusion about it, like Romeo had with Rosaline. The most dramatic and exciting scene was when Romeo was talking with Benvolio, about Rosaline. I thought that he might even kill himself, Benvolio was replaying in humor way, he really didn’t understand what Romeo was saying, Romeo was very negative character, what made everything very dramatic, because nobody could think of what goes around 15 years old boy minds. He could think of death, or of ways to die. Form first scene you get the understanding, about the whole play, it tells you everything step by step. How to cite How does Shakespeare make Act 1, Scene 1 exciting and dramatic?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Music and Teenagers Essay Example For Students

Music and Teenagers Essay In 1985 the way music lyrics were looked at changed forever. You had organizations, specifically the Parents Music Resource Center, better known as the MARC, fighting against lyrics in certain songs. They wanted a way for parents to be warned before letting their kids listen to a certain song or album. Tipper Gore was a big part of how it started. She had bought her kids a Prince album. She was dancing in the living room with them to the music one day when she heard the lyrics and was shocked at what the lyrics were saying. She decided that something needed to be done so that parents would know what was on an album before buying it. Other parents agreed with and formed the MARC. As an organization they created a list titled The Filthy Fifteen. In which they listed fifteen songs that they deemed as inappropriate, stating their reasoning next to each song. This list had artists like Prince, Twisted Sister, Defy Leopard, and even Madonna and Cindy Lapper. These artists made this list because of themes in their lyrics such as sex, masturbation, violence, language, drug and alcohol use, or even occult. Keep in mind that these artists were topping the charts, and had videos on MAT all the time. The MARC arranged a meeting in the Senate, which was not very hard, seeing as many of the members were wives of the Senate Members. At this meeting they addressed many issues with lyrics in the music industry. The MARC had a strong testimony about the lyrics in the music they were attacking. Talking about things like what these lyrics said, and even giving examples. Before the trial they were also offered the choice of a warning label on records and Music and Teenagers By inexorability The Parents Music Resource Center has asked the record executives to create an industry wide uniform standard defining what constitutes explicit and violent trial. We of the MARC are not trying to ban any songs, and we oppose censorship or government regulation. Instead, we believe that the music industry itself and its media outlets should voluntarily cut down on violent and sexually explicit material. We have proposed a rating system for records, tapes and videos that the industry could administer itself. She was saying that the Marcs goal was to make it so parents could know what was on the album before they bought it for their kids. When the ARIA offered them the generic warning label it was Just that: Generic. They wanted something where they loud be able to see exactly what was on an album before they bought it and had their kids listen to it. When the NCR got together they decided there should be some kind of rating system that was worldwide and everyone could use so they knew what they were buying. The music was also represented at this hearing. You had the ARIA trying to stop this act all together and make sure that the music was protected against censorship. Stars like John Denver, Dee Snider, and Frank Kappa prepared testimonies against the MARC. The main concern for all of them was the idea of censorship. They defended homeless, and the music industry, by throwing out the first amendment. Like in this quote from Frank Kappas Testimony Bad facts make bad law, and people who write bad laws are, in my opinion, more dangerous than songwriters who celebrate sexuality. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religious Thought, and the Right to Due Process for composers, performers and retailers are imperiled if the MARC and the major labels consummate this nasty bargain. Kappa expressed the idea that anyone should be able to listen to the music they want. He was saying that the MARC had the wrong idea, and because of that they ere trying to make a law that was going to change composers, performers and retailers rights. Although he was assured multiple times that there would be no legal action, he continued on with his opinion of what was actually happening with the MARC. The same idea was shared by John Denver in his testimony. Censorship of the written or spoken word. It was so in Nazi Germany. It is so in many places today where those in power are afraid of the consequences of an informed and educated people. In a mature, incredibly diverse society such as ours, the access to all perspectives of an issue becomes more and more important. Those things which in our experience are undesirable generally prove to be unfettering and sooner or later become boring. That process cannot and should not be stifled. That which is denied becomes that which is most desired, and that which is hidden becomes that which is most interesting. Consequently a great deal of time and energy is spent trying to get at what is being kept from you. Our children, our people, our society and the world cannot afford this waste. John Denver shared the same ideas as Frank Kappa, but worded them differently. He compared what the MARC was trying to do to what happened in Nazi Germany. He said that when things are censored it blocks things. It makes it seem like and the bad lyrics dont exist, and in Deniers opinion, censoring the peoples minds. You can shove things aside, try to hide them, but there will always be people who want to see what this bad is. People want what is being kept from you. It is human nature. The MARC trying to take that away was only going to draw more people toward it. His main idea was that you cannot keep things from the People. That they should be able to hear and see everything as it was meant to be heard and seen, without the censorship, cause then they can have a better perspective, and that is what it was all about in his head. Both were told not to worry about it by The Chairman of the Senate, John C. Music Appreciation Elements of Music EssayThat doesnt define the kind of person he is though. Dee Snider. He is a strong Christian, he has kids, makes heavy metal music, and still adheres to his beliefs. Just because he is a person who makes the kind of music that s titled as evil or bad doesnt make him bad. Its Just what you listen to. People listen to this kind of music for all sorts of reasons. Whether it be that they are depressed, and use it as an outlet, or they like how it sounds, or even the message behind the song. A genre is Just a type of music, not a labeling system for types people. So, can people actually be influenced by music? Of course they can. Teens spend a majority of their time listening to music. Some studies have shown that kids who listen to music a lot, but that doesnt mean that bands like My Chemical Romance or Link Park are bad for your mental health. It could mean that kids are using this music to escape from the burden of their mental state. They use music as a solace. According to Pediatrician Brian Primacy, at the University of Pittsburgh teens who suffer from depression and listen to a lot of music Dont feel like doing anything, have to perform. Teens turn to the music because they feel like there is not anything else. They want to listen to something that they can connect to, and be surrounded by something they can be themselves with, not having to struggle to keep all their emotions locked up somewhere inside themselves. Parents can think of eons listening to a lot of music as their way of calling out for help. Music is not commonly the caus e for a mental illness, but it can be an escape. Music can influence people though, especially when one in three popular songs has a reference to drugs, sex or alcohol. Which means for every hour of music that kids listen to they receive at least thirty-five references to substance use and sex. But then again, if a kid is that easily influenced-which most teens are seeing as their brains are still growing- should kids really be listening to music that will make them do bad things? About 4% of all music is anti-drug and sex. Getting access to that music is hard because it is not making the top 40 charts. The good news is that there is a whole subculture dedicated to anti-drug, promiscuous sex, and Just living a good, clean, or straight-edge, life. Straight-edge is a youth movement that originated in the late seventies and early eighties when the Punk Movement was getting started. It is based around the punk lifestyle, but there is one difference. People who are straightedge tend to live a life without drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and even promiscuous sex. A lot of straight-edge people are vegetarian or vegan, and some even go to the point where they wont take certain medication. It started as a band thing. Band members were living this kind of lifestyle, and it slowly began to rub off onto the kids who listened and looked up to the band. These people did not like what was going on around them with the self destruction, self hatred, substance abuse, and random sex. This subculture that began in cities like Boston and Washington DC spread quickly across the world, and thousands of people live this lifestyle. People can listen to hardcore bands, or even music similar to what is on the top 40, but get a positive message instead. Today we do not hear much about music controversy, We hear something about how Foster the Peoples new song is really controversial, or how Eke$ha cannot play at a venue because of a lyric she has. We hear about Mille Cyrus doing something too sexual in a new music video, or lighting a blunt on stage. But with celebrities acting the way they do today it is not that shocking. In the sasss there was a lot of new controversy. People were becoming more and more open, and music with controversial lyrics were topping the charts. Today all the music that has lyrics that would be considered bad in our common age is underground. You do not hear about bands like Blood On The Dance Floor Motionless in White or even Escape the Fate and Bring Me The Horizon. If bands like those were making the top forty you might hear about more people complaining and wanting to do something. The top forty songs are by people like Robin Thicket and Mille Cyrus who clamoring sex, and insult women, but society has grown to the point where lyrics like that are normal. People Music does not affect teens in a way where it changes how they act and what they do, but the idea that it does has caused a lot of discussion and controversy. Groups have come together and protested the lyrics of certain songs, demanding a way that people will be warned of explicit content before buying an album. Most notably what went on with the Parents Music Resource Center and the Senate hearing of 1985. Music has been blamed for events such as the Columbine Shooting, teens acting out in violence, or Just being angst-filled. If that is the case, then why have we not heard more about people taking action? Teens have always been stereotyped as rebellious, and angst, they are known for acting out. A lot of times teenagers will listen to music hat they know their parents will not like Just because they know that their mom or dad will not like it. Luckily though, music that has some of the more darker, or highly sexual themes, are underground. There is always alternatives to that kind of explicit music. The straight-edge subculture is one that allows kids to listen to the same genre or kind of music, but get a positive message out of it instead because of a difference in lyric meaning. The way that teens act does not Just come down to what music they listen to, there are more factors than some of their favorite bands or artists.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

War Of 1812 Worst Fought War Essays - War, Union,

War Of 1812 Worst Fought War A.P. History Essay on the War of 1812 The War of 1812 also know as The Second American War for Independance (Bailey pg. 233) was fought between the meeger forces of the American government and the supreme power of Great Britain. The war ended in 1815 with the treaty of Gehnt, this treaty wasnt really a treaty but an armastice or surrender of arms. The American military suffered from defeat after defeat during the begining of the war, these loses could be contributed to by the lack of citizen support in the time of war, also the lack in size and power of the American military. These factor validate the statement that the War of 1812 was the Worst fought American war. At the begining of the war America was fighting with Great Britain for regress of greivances such as forcefull impressment of sailors, and seizure of American cargos. Plus the extraction of British troups from the Ohio valley which was previously promised in two former treaties, Jays treaty and the Treaty of Paris. The regress of grievances was just a stepping stone for American ambition, after the start of the war Americans thought wouldnt it be great if we could add Canada and Spanish Florida to our ever expanding bounderies. But the backing of the war wasnt there politicaly the northern merchants were affraid of the deletion of trade options with Britain because of the war. The southern farmers were also against the war because Britain was there main purchaser of cotton and indigo. On the other hand you have to Backcountry farmers who need more room to expand there farms or find better soil for crops who wanted to the war to expand there expansion areas. Support also came from the deep southern farmers who wanted Florida for there own. The ideas between both of these groups created political disunity between the states, making them quarel among themselves weakening the national government. As we travel back a little in time we come to Jefferson's administration, he beleived in a week national government which also meant a week army. It is common sense that a week army cant defend a nation of mass proportions against a large army. Since the American army had been reduced by the Anti Federalist presidents, the army being the size it was just couldnt withstand such massive odds against it. The one strong part of the military wasnt the Army it was the Navy. It was well known that Britain had the best Navy in the world, for the simple knowledge that if you live on an island an invasion force isnt very good if you cant get to the country to attack it. America didnt need a strong navy for the simple reason its a large massive rock if your going to attack its usually by land so we need a large army. Well that turned out to be the simple opposite, but it wasnt the size of our navy it was the leadership under leaders such as Commador Perry. The lack of politcal unity was a large factor contributing to the treaty of the war, which was more like and armistice(implied lowering of arms of both parties). Without this treaty we would have inveribably been taken over by the British unless the army was increased. None of the states wanted to work with the other states so we stayed divided and nothing got accomplished. Since the country stayed ununified the army wasnt able to be raised and we kept losing. The combined factors of military and political disunity helped the nation to be unsucessful at its military conquests and self defense. With out a military of good size how are we to protect our country? Also without political togetherness we have no way of defending ourselves.All thes factors helped shape the war of 1812 as The worst fought American War.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Passage from Tradition into Modernity essays

The Passage from Tradition into Modernity essays The films Daughters of the Dust and Fire each address the cultural passage from tradition to modernity. On one hand are duties, obligations, and traditions. On the other are needs, desires, and freedom. Wars between these two antagonistic camps have been fought through the ages across many societies around the world. While the progression in each film is demonstrated to be anything but smooth, as it is shown that it is nearly impossible to extricate modernity completely from tradition, it is a transition that is also looked upon as inevitable. The battleground in Deepa Mehta's Fire is the tradition-bound society of modern-day India, where it depicts two women's discovery of lesbian desire and self-expression, freedoms that directly challenge the social order and the conventional family unit. The role of the Indian woman is re-defined; no longer do wives submit without question to the whims of their husbands, and this shift is causing tremors throughout the entire Indian culture. Fire shows the causes and effects of one such tiny reverberation. Duty, not love, is what tradition demands from a wife to her husband and in this environment, it is only natural that Sita and Radha become fast friends, and, in time, much more than that. These womens relationship is forbidden, but by giving into their feelings for each other they discover the strength to defy their husbands and turn their backs on tradition. This is the tale of two vital, beautiful women breaking the cultural obstacles of tradition and being reborn through the passion they express for each other in the modernity of the emancipated individual-focused world. The film is reality based yet it glides into a surreal flashback and more specifically there is another humorous dream scene that shows the mythological roots for the story the title itself refers to the scene, in which the God Rama makes his wife also named Sita dance through fire in order to prove he...

Friday, November 22, 2019

America’s Mergence of Personal and Public Realms in Arendt’s The Human Condition

United Human Integration in Arendt's Personal and Public Areas The United States is a superpower and is undoubtedly the most dominant country in the world. But emphasizing this advantage is some of the problems that American society faces. Among these problems, Hannah Arendt called the fusion of individuals and the public domain as the rise of society. This major problem has created many other problems and is therefore chosen as the root cause of suffering in modern American society. In 1958's work The situation of mankind, Arendt defined the public sphere according to intense struggle. There are two important concepts related to the definition of her public domain: visibility and humanity. First of all, for Arendt, the public domain is the space where people can appear. As long as they are restricted to private areas, people become helpless, but private areas are dominated by intimacy. But once people become public, they gain reality and strength without saying anything, otherwise t hey can not understand (Arendt, 1998, p. 50). Protest at Tiananmen Square explains this point. Protestors took advantage of the fact that many international TV crews happened to participate in Mikhail Gorbachev's visit record. For Arendt, the lack of an overall definition of the private sector compared to the nature of the public domain. She wrote, public, First, you can see and hear everything publicly visible for us - appearance - look at others with others From seeing yourself - from the reality you have seen and heard even the most intimate life force leads to uncertain and dark existence, but she continues to say that she can change the richness of private life I am. In order to overcome such a situation, appearance of the public according to their body type. She pointed out that the means to achieve this change is art. If colonies become self-sufficient, Arendtian's prerequisites for entering the public domain are satisfied. Arendt discussed two major areas - public domain an d private sector - (Arendt, human condition). The private sector is an essential item, with labor usually falling with families. If colonies are self-sufficient, it means that they must take care of the necessity, and it is necessary to consider the labor of each colony member who will be used for colonial maintenance or scientific research We will guarantee. Of course, it is the individual's responsibility to satisfy familiar needs. However, once the private realm is realized, people can enter the public domain and participate in politics.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Creative skills for a creative industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Creative skills for a creative industry - Essay Example Creative industry simply refers to all socio-economic potential activities trading with knowledge, creativity, and information.The sector has been one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. Creative sectors and governments across the globe increasingly recognize the importance of the industry as a generator of wealth, new job opportunities and source of cultural engagement. Creative industry is what propels the creative economy (Kelley, & Littman, 2001). The success that has been exhibited in the creative industry has been as a result of innovation and creative skills in art, culture, technology and business. Intellectual property is as a result of creativity, and it was developed with the unification of all activities that do trade with all the creative assets. Intellectual property is the framework where creativity is translated to economic value. The creative sector is based on the individual skill, creativity and talent that has the potential to create jobs and wealth throu gh the development of intellectual property. The main sectors in the creative industry are the art and antique market, advertising, design, crafts, architecture, designer fashion, music, intellectual leisure software, software, publishing and radio and television. Creativity has become very popular in the sector and has had a wider societal impact on the world population. Creativity has been at the periphery of the interface between culture, economics, information and technology.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis of the Article Written by Deepak Lal for the Business Research Paper

Analysis of the Article Written by Deepak Lal for the Business Standard Regarding Global Financial Crisis - Research Paper Example The savings are recycled through the international banking system on a regular basis to fuel demand. Second, cheap credit given by banks without checking the creditworthiness of the borrowers. Thirdly, the rise in the commodity prices also contributed a lot to the financial crisis and Lastly, according to him is the bailout sought by some irresponsible banks from the taxpayers telling them otherwise it will lead to the complete wiping of the financial institution. He says that the 1980 crisis was resolved when the banks hugely wrote off their Third World debt, sacked their reckless managers and shareholders also suffered large losses. But, eventually, it all came under control without threatening the world economy on a large scale. Whereas, in the current times the global financial system is sinking and bailouts are no longer an exception but have become a routine affair. The difference in outcome is because that even in the 1970s surplus money was recycled but it was done by the off -shore branches of the Parent Bank, bringing no risk to the Western Banking system, even if there was a default. Whereas, the current crisis stems from UK's financial liberalisation in the 1980s, and the Clinton era abolition of the Glass-Steagall Act, which had kept a firewall between the commercial and investment banking parts of the financial system since the 1930s. In these times no difference was kept between the Payments/deposit system of the banks and the investment banking.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tattoo and Work Essay Example for Free

Tattoo and Work Essay In my synthesis essay I will talk about both sides of having a visible tattoo by using the articles â€Å"Tattoos in the Workplace: Whats an Employer to Do?†, The Relationship Between Body Modification and GPA. and â€Å"Tattoos Gain Even More Visibility†. These articles work together to show the pros and cons of living with a tattoo whether it is in the workplace, visible or for a religious purpose. The article â€Å"Tattoos in the Workplace†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , the article explains all the reasons in why someone with a tattoo shouldn’t be judged off only that. It also talks about how doing such is a violation of the law. In the article â€Å"Tattoos Gain Even More Visibility† it mentions how in today’s society visible body modifications have become more popular and accepted. In the article â€Å"The Relationship Between Body Modification and GPA†, the article summarizes a study done of young people aging from 15 till 25. In the relationship between the three articles I think tattoos should be accepted as long as they can’t be seen in the workplace. These articles will prove and go against my opinion that tattoos in most cases should be a loud in a workplace as long as it isn’t visible. Rejecting someone for a job because of their tattoos is a form of discrimination and should not ever happen. Before reading these articles I had no stance about tattoos because I had none myself. In this issue the audience will be interviewers and employers who think tattoos interfere with someone being able to work with the public. In a scenario about a girl being interviewed for a job with some visible religious tattoos, she went in for an interview but after the interview she found out she didn’t get the job and wondered why. In the article â€Å"The relationship Between Body modification and GPA†, the articles main issue is, is there a relationship between tattoos and students grades. The article goes into description about the study and the specific questions the experimenter asked the study subjects. In the conclusion the experimenter found out that there was no relation between the students having body modifications like tattoos and piercings and the grades that the  students had. In my experience as a student, tattoos and grades had no relation. It depends on what kind of student you are in whether or not you will have good grades. I have no tattoos but my grades aren’t perfect, which is a perfect example of why tattoos and grades have nothing to do with each other. A good question to ask that group of students would be does having a interest in tattoos and piercings stop you from spending money of school needs like books and materials for projects? This essay adds to my argument on w hy tattoos should be permitted in the workplace since the study showed that tattoos and no relation with grades. In the article â€Å"Tattoos in the Workplace: Whats an Employer to Do?† the author supports my thesis that a person being a good worker has nothing to do with a tattoo. It explains how having a face tattoo can be distracting to the customer but is it worth losing a good worker? The article also talks about where the tattoo is placed in relation to your job. â€Å"For example, the odds are that a four-star hotel may not want the concierge to have large tattoos of skulls and crossbones on the back of each hand. But the same hotel may have less concern if a dishwasher in the kitchen has those same tattoos because direct contact with the hotels customers is minimal.† This sentence from the article brings up a good point. But at the same time judging someone based off their body modifications would be morally wrong. This article backs up my claim because it brings up certain grey areas that you have to look at when saying a person shouldn’t get a job based on their a ppearance but it also shows that someone with 50 tattoos could also be a genuinely kind individual who is dedicated to their job despite the body modifications. This was a good article to back up my original claim. On the other hand you have to look at all the grey areas. Can hiring someone with visible tattoos of a skull or vulgar language be off putting to costumers? A company could lose money by hiring someone that would turn the public off with their tattoos. Having a tattoo of a naked lady could be very inappropriate and distracting. In a job interview, if you were not qualified having visible tattoos could just add to why you shouldn’t get the job. There is also a concern in tattoos causing infections that can affect your skin forever. These articles all speak about the same topic and are in agreement with each other and my opinion. In all three articles they agree that tattoos should be accepted in the workplace. And in the articles, they all list different valid reasons. In my scenario Sarah, the girl with the religious visible tattoos is also very qualified for the job but her tattoos were on her wrist so during the job in human resources she would be working with a lot of people and it would be exposed every day. Just like in the articles they bring up the issue of what job could having a visible tattoo not be accepted in. Is having a job with the public and having a visible tattoo impossible? Just like in the article â€Å"Tattoos in the Workplace: Whats an Employer to Do?† they bring up someone not being accepted for a job based on their religious tattoos religious discrimination. Society has changed its perception on tattoos and how it doesn’t relate to your job. In the article â€Å"Tattoos Gain More Visibility† the main subject is how in the society we live in today; more people are getting tattoos in visible places like the neck and hands. In the article, â€Å"Necks and hands, said Joshua Lord, an owner of East Side Ink on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, were the last taboo.† speaking about how now people are getting tattoos in these places compared to years ago. â€Å"â€Å"But recently I’ve done them for doctors and funeral directors and teachers, and a lot of hairdressers,† who use hand tattoos as conversation starters, he said.† this shows how tattoos can be used as advertisement or a means of conversation. This article argues on my side of view. It like the other two proves how tattoos have no relation with the good quality job a person is able to do. The article also talks about the popularity of tattoos now compared to before. What may concern some old school thinkers is that visible tattoos may be here to stay. Speaking from someone with no tattoos, I’m excited to get my first one. The articles â€Å"Tattoos Gain More Visibility†, â€Å"Tattoos in the Workplace: Whats an Employer to Do?† and The Relationship Between Body Modification and GPA. back up my claim that tattoos should be accepted in the workplace. It is discrimination to judge someone’s fit for a job based on body modifications. Having a tattoo is just one aspect of a person and having a tattoo shouldn’t be held against them. There are certain situations  where someone might have a racist or controversial tattoo which might make them working in the public impossible because of customers complaining about their tattoos. If the tattoo is not disrespectful to anyone then there shouldn’t be a problem. After reading this article I have a stance on how I feel about tattoos. In some ways tattoos can get in t he way of you getting a job and that isn’t morally right. My scenario was about a girl would didn’t get a job she was qualified for. It wasn’t stated if it was because of her religious tattoos or not. After my opinion on tattoos not being relevant, do you think Sarah didn’t get the job because of her tattoos or maybe a unknown reason?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Virginia Woolfs To the Lighthouse and Kawabatas Snow Countr

Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse and Kawabata's Snow Country      Ã‚  Ã‚   Virginia Woolf's claim that plot is banished in modern fiction is a misleading tenet of Modernism. The plot is not eliminated so much as mapped out onto a more local level, most obviously with the epic structural comparison in Ulysses. In To the Lighthouse, Woolf's strategy of indirect discourse borrows much from Impressionism in its exploration of the ways painting can freeze a moment and make it timeless. In Kawabata's Snow Country, the story of Yoko and her family and its relationship to the rest of the novel corresponds with an even more modern medium, film, and its superimposition of contradictory image.    Lily Briscoe's metaphor stabilize the chaotic reality around her, order them into a visible representation, and make them timeless. She shares these goals with the Impressionists, for whom moments of being (as Woolf calls them elsewhere) are also "illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark" (161). The instantaneity of this image, and its reliance on light, is crucial for To the Lighthouse; through the single match Lily, and Woolf, light forest fires. Other parts of the narrative clarify and become resonant through specific moments of consciousness; one character's thoughts feed into another's, the narrative voice filters through everyone else's, and the reader sees, as Lily does, the "X-ray photograph" (91) of everyone's desires and fears. The plot is compromised in these scenes, or in the throwaway line in "Time Passes" that parenthetically tells us that Mrs. Ramsay died last night. But just as this remark is framed by brackets, so does each moment of being f rame something else, a larger context the singular... ...raps the sounds around each other, showing that language, even at its most freeing, is still confining. But the image is enough, and through this the Milky Way creates an anti-gravity field that lifts the characters out of their bodies: "The limitless depth of the Milky Way pulled his gaze up into it" (165). It is in this non-Newtonian manner that Kawabata directs our attention to the plot outline of his novel. We may focus on one moment, but it is infinitely refracted throughout the text, and at each moment we linger on the image, the reflected image, or the idea of the image; the plot is always there, but not always the primary image.    Works Cited: Kawabata, Yasunari. Snow Country. Berkley Publishing Corporation: New York, NY 1956. Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. Introduction by D.M. Hoare, Ph.D. London: J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1960

Monday, November 11, 2019

What Do You Understand – Managed Inventory?

Process of Vendor Managed Inventory can be defined as a mechanism where the supplier creates the purchase orders based on the demand information exchanged by the retailer or customers. It implies that the supplier does the demand creation and the fulfillment, instead of the retailers or customers managing the inventory. Under the typical business model an order is placed to the manufacturer when the product is needed by the distributor. The inventory plan is maintained by the distributor as he is in control of the timing and size of the order being placed.Creating the responsibility of manpower team, space and inventory management, increased administration work and conflict between responsibility ownership in case of quality issue. Under Vendor-Managed Inventory model the order is generated by the manufacturer without being the change of ownership of inventory. The inventory plan is maintained and created by the manufacturer as he receives the data that tell him about the distributor ’s sales and stock levels.This model eliminates the case of emerging conflict in case of quality issues, save manpower, space and inventory management and administration work as sole responsibility is with the system supplier. The goal of Vendor-Managed Inventory is to align the business objectives and streamline supply chain operations for both suppliers and their customers, by using a streamlined approach to inventory management and order fulfillment.It involves collaboration between suppliers and their customers (e. g. retailer, distributor, or product end user) which changes the traditional ordering process. This process works only if expectations are clarified between the organization and the supplier, they both need to agree on how to share information regarding the restocking in a timely and synchronized manner and keep their communication channels open.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Business Model Re-Engineering: Myspace

————————————————- Business Model Re-engineering MySpace Date: November 4, 2011 ————————————————- Word Count: 3742 Introduction Nowadays, increasingly more industries, especially the media sector, are facing a continuous change. In the case of media, this is mainly a result of steadily developing digital technology. Even though a company’s business model might have been successful for many years, it suddenly can start to become weaker. The media market is quite competition-driven and hence a competitor with a new business model might alter the industry almost instantly (Business model re-engineering, n. d. ). In such a competitive market, the â€Å"strategy [†¦] is about being different. † (Eisenhardt & Sull, 2001, p. 116). This statement perfectly implies that companies and their products need to be so unique with such a well thought-out and innovate business model that they can create a competitive advantage. However, this adaption of the business model in an ever-changing media environment turns out to be quite a complex challenge, since now many companies face a decline of customers and revenue. A good example for a business model that could not survive the changing media environment in terms of online social networking is the one of Myspace. Consequently, I am going to propose a re-engineering of its business model. In this paper, I will focus on the problems of the current business model and carefully analyze the context of the market in order to propose a refreshed model that will help Myspace to survive and to compete more successfully in nowadays’ social networking market. Myspace needs a business model that provides value to its customers, guarantees a competitive advantage, as well as collects revenue (Teece, 2010). Myspace Myspace. com, which was founded in 2003 by Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson (Piskorski, Chen, & Knoop, 2008), is an online social networking ervice that is now owned by Specific Media LLC and singer Justin Timberlake (Specific Media Acquires Myspace, 2011). Specific Media LLC is a media company which sells advertising online with a technology that aims at targeting specific customer segments (Specific Media LLC, 2011). Specific Media LLC, however, has not been the owner of Myspace for long. In June 2011, the company bought Myspace for about $35 million and as part of the deal pop star Justin Timberlake took an ownership stake (Specific Media Acquires Myspace, 2011). Before, from 2005 until 2011, it was owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (News Corporation to Acquire Intermix Media, Inc, 2005). From 2005 until 2008, Myspace was the most popular social networking website in the world, as measured by the visitors. But the number of 75. 9 million visitors per month in 2008 dropped to 34. 8 million in May 2011 (Gillette, 2011). Problems Is Facebook Myspace’s biggest problem? Since 2008, Myspace has been continuously losing members which was at the time when it was overtaken by Facebook (Mack, 2008). Myspace has been gradually losing its users which can be expressed by the declining members and visitors of the website. As from February 2010, the visitors decreased by 43. 3 per cent (Arrington, 2011) and the members shrunk by ten million within one month at the beginning of 2011 (Stafford, 2011). This decline brings along a dramatic loss in revenues which are solely generated by advertising (Enders, Hungenberg, Denker, & Mauch, 2008). Facebook has now about 25 times more users than Myspace (Stafford, 2011) and it seems that members migrated from Myspace to Facebook, but there is other reasons for the failure of Myspace, mainly in terms of innovation. Myspace was performing really well at the time of News Corp’s acquisition and it barely had any competitors. However, with the rise of its first great competitor Facebook, the former leading social networking site had to confront one of its severest lacks: innovation! At the very beginning, Facebook entered a niche market, namely the one of college students. Firstly, it was available to Haravard students, then more and more universities wanted to join Facebook and today, almost everybody is using this social network, no matter if college student or not (Piskorski et al. , 2008). Today, around 600 million users enjoy keeping in touch with people all over the world via Facebook (Cauwels & Sornette, 2011). Facebook managed this great success because it was innovative. New features have been added all the time since it has been launched, hence people were involved and kept coming back as a result of new innovations such as the ‘news feed’ at that time (Stafford, 2011). While Facebook managed to be innovative all the time, Myspace failed to adapt to the market and did not add new features as Facebook did. Additionally, Myspace did not allow third party developers to create new features such as applications (e. g. Facebook – FarmVille etc. ), they rather kept everything behind closed doors. Therefore, Myspace lost the competition of controlling the market at the time between 2006 and 2008 and consequently it became boring (Stafford, 2011). Even though Myspace had certain features, they did not all work very well. For example, members were able to create their own backgrounds either themselves or they could download an existing design from many providers who specialized in creating Myspace profile designs. This feature turned into quite a mess, problems, and confusion regarding certain profiles. The whole competition resulted in a confusing mess and one could not be sure on what Myspace was focusing. Not only because of the customized user profiles but also because of some other flaws in the site’s design, Myspace was confronted with security issues. Results were spyware (Hesseldahl, 2006), phishing, and spam (Webb, Caverlee, & Pu, 2010). Another security fear was regarding the profile content. Users were concerned about trust and privacy and even law enforcement officials claimed, â€Å"MySpace is used by sexual predators to lure teenagers† (Dwyer, Hiltz, & Passerini as cited by Schrobsdorff, 2006, p. 5). The last problem I want to focus on is the revenue model. As previously mentioned, Myspace operates on revenues from advertising. Especially under the ownership of News Corp, the main focus was on generating revenue. It seemed that Rupert Murdoch solely focused on revenues and nothing else which is a great flaw for a social networking site, as it needs to focus on the onsumers. In 2006, Google pledged to pay News Corp as many as $900 million over three and a half years and in return Google was allowed to provide search services and advertising on Myspace (Piskorski et al. , 2008). For Myspace’s customer it seemed that the site was full of too much unorganized advertising, hence the website appeared unp rofessionally (James, 2009). The previously listed problems of Myspace are mainly problems of the time when Myspace lost the competition against Facebook, and reasons why Myspace is not successful anymore. With regards to the Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder (2009), I will focus on the problems based on the following elements: Value Propositions, Key Partners, Revenue Streams, and Media Channels. The element of value propositions â€Å"seeks to solve customer problems and satisfy customer needs with value propositions† (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2009, p. 16). I consider this part to be Myspace’s greatest problem regarding the issues of trust, privacy, spam, spyware, and phishing. Furthermore, the lack of innovation was one of the major problems why Myspace lost that many users who constantly want to experience something new. With its lack of good and new features as well as its unclear point of focus, Myspace was not able to deliver value which would result in customers continue to use the social network. From my personal experience, I can say that Myspace faded into obscurity which can be backed up by the low number of users now, compared to the time of 2006 when Myspace was at its peak (Snyder, Carpenter, & Slauson, 2006). I was a Myspace user around 2006 as well, when I was 15 years old. It seemed to be a meeting point for teenagers and for me it was not any different from the German social networking site ‘Schuler VZ’ except that it is international. However, as time went by, I decreasingly used Myspace as for me it always was too confusing and it could not compete with the German social network. Besides, I got spammed with advertising, random men (who were not at my age) thought it was a dating service, and it simply became boring. Therefore, I can state that Myspace’s biggest problem is that it is not valuable enough for the users. Theory Firstly, I will focus on the value propositions as all the other elements, I chose to focus on, follow up on the value propositions. When looking at value propositions, I would like to consider the three types of value propositions according to Anderson, Narus, and van Rossum (2006), namely ‘all benefits’, ‘favorable points of difference’, and ‘resonating focus’. In the case of Myspace, it certainly would not be enough to â€Å"simply list all the benefits† (Anderson et al. , 2006, p. 2) since there are too many competitors in the Internet environment that share most of the benefits and values. The ‘favorable points of difference’ approach is promising in so far that it distinguishes the valuable points that the competitors do not offer. However, I believe that Myspace does not present many highly valuable aspects over their competitors and therefore it would be most convenient to concentrate on the ‘resonating focus’. With this approach, I will focus on â€Å"the one or two points of difference [†¦] whose improvement will deliver the greatest value to the customer for the foreseeable future† (Anderson et al. , 2006, p. 4). In connection to that, I will of course need to study the greatest competitors with regards to their value propositions in order to highlight Myspace’s most valuable points of difference. Furthermore, I will need to research what customers expect from online social networking, what they value about Myspace, and what they generally find lacking in the social networking environment in order to develop ideas for a possible niche market. Additionally, for this customer value research, I will need to conduct research on focus groups with regards to problems mentioned in the previous section (safety and innovation). Furthermore, the design is an important aspect of the value propositions as well. As I previously stated, the old Myspace design was quite confusing which resulted in safety problems. Hence, a new design is needed which is unified for every user, yet attractive and which does not allow bugs. Secondly, in relation to innovation, I will need to look at the Key Partners who will be part of the re-engineering of the Media Channels as well and concerning revenues. Through Media Channels, the company can communicate with its customers and deliver the value propositions (Osterwalder et al. 2009). Especially in the online environment, awareness can be raised with the help of other key partners. For example, you can share content from one website on another. Not so long ago, Myspace introduced connection opportunities to Twitter and Facebook (Myspace introduces mashup with Facebook, 2010) and also youtube allows sharing videos on myspace. Myspace’s connections to Facebook which will al so help to generate user-specific streams according to the user’s Facebook profiles. However, Facebook for example, does not allow a connection to Myspace. Accordingly, Key Partners are needed that would help promoting Myspace. Moreover, the former revenue model which only consisted of advertising, has proven to be quite annoying for the users, hence Myspace needs Key Partners who will not only make the website more appealing but also help to make revenue. Hence, research has to be done on Key Partners who are willing to help financing Myspace as well as who would be interested to offer for example applications (which then help the Key Partners as well). As I said before, Myspace faded into obscurity. For this reason, I will also need to look at other media channels such as campaigns and marketing strategies in order to bring Mypsace back to people’s minds. In that relation, research needs to be done on what marketing strategies worked for successful social networks such as Facebook and also what media channels can help to basically re-introduce a media product like Myspace. Assumptions & Best Practices Review First of all I need to mention that Myspace decided in 2010 to focus on music and entertainment (About Myspace, 2010). However, for now I will only consider online social networking sites as websites that focus on music and entertainment are not Myspace’s greatest competitors. Of course, I will need to take Facebook into account as Myspace’s greatest competitor and as today’s most popular social network which was the most visited website in June 2011 (Smith, 2011). Facebook first started in a niche market of college students and it got awareness from the very beginning. It did not use any special advertising campaigns to become popular but the promotion was rather by word to mouth (Mitchell, 2009). The popularity has then been covered by newspaper articles and television which reported on the success (Ibid). Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook as a unique and intimate website and constantly added new features that kept the site interesting. Facebook is far more innovative than Myspace and therefore the members keep using it and promote it by word-of-mouth advertising. Similarly to Facebook, Twitter was initially successful in a niche market. At the beginning, primarily computer- and technology specialists as well as bloggers used Twitter for example to promote their blogs (How did Twitter become popular? 2009). Twitter could convince with its simplicity and real life experience. Real life experience in so far that people twittered news from certain events such as the Mumbai attacks or recently the uprisings in Tunisia as different to regular news channels (Ibid). The best practices that made Twitter and Facebook successful and popular are therefore word-to-mouth advertising and t he Internet itself. Word-to-mouth advertising only worked because of the convincing and interesting designs and usability. Both platforms are innovative, as they have been creating new features that make them enjoyable, flexible and interesting (The Success of Twitter, 2011). Those best practices worked for Myspace as well – in the beginning. However, the task now is to remake Myspace aware to people’s minds and the goal is that the users actually keep using Myspace because of the new design and value propositions. I would suggest sending a short and catchy email to the Myspace users which shortly introduces them to the new Myspace. Users might want to get to know the new Myspace and then tell people about their good experience. Additionally, since Myspace is focusing on music, an advertising campaign might help to make new bands aware of Myspace’s ability to promote their work. Facebook uses an aggressive innovation approach, meaning that it comes up with new features that users initially might not like but after a while they cannot imagine Facebook without those new features anymore. Furthermore, Facebook constantly adapts the privacy settings in order to meet the customers’ needs with regards to safety (Blodget, 2010). Innovation keeps Facebook interesting and worthwhile to continue using it. Another highlight it offers for their users are applications. Many software developers create applications for Facebook which make the site not only more interesting and entertaining but also help to generate revenues (Stone, 2007). With the help of key partners, Myspace can get help for its design as well as applications that help to make the site interesting. What is more, key partners help financing; hence Myspace would not only be dependent on advertising revenues. As users find the amount of advertising quite annoying, Myspace can focus on less but personalized advertising. Those steps would help to make Myspace more innovative and it can easier meet the users’ needs in terms of design, safety, new features that make it worth to use. Research Proposal – Method Myspace needs change! More specifically, Myspace needs a re-engineered business model. The previous statistics show that the numbers of Myspace users decline gradually. If this decline continues, the once most popular social network (Bains, 2009) will soon be almost unknown or at least unused. However, with further research on my previously stated ideas based on the problems of Myspace in relation to the Business Model, I will be able to help Myspace creating a new and innovative Business Model that will help to avoid further declining user numbers and to create competitive consistency in the environment of social networking. In order to study the value propositions carefully, I will conduct qualitative research. Only with qualitative research I will be able to gather in-depth understanding of the reasons why people do not use Myspace anymore. I can gather such information in two ways: through interviews and through an online research community. With the help of a qualitative research interview I will gather the facts as well as analyze the meaning (Kvale, 1996). As a result, I will be able to understand the values customers need as well as the reasons and problems which caused the failure of Myspace. By using an online research community, Myspace can put â€Å"the customer at the heart of [the] marketing strategy† (Simon, 2009). Such research communities allow efficient and deep qualitative research online. In such a community, members can discuss certain aspects such as new features and designs, and Myspace can adapt accordingly. Besides, a qualitative research online will probably bring more results since people rather take the time to discuss issues online. However, the qualitative Interview will also be needed because it is an additional in-depth analysis with face-to-face communication that enables immediate follow up questions and answers with high reliability. The qualitative research of both forms will be base on current or former Myspace users and also on general social network users in order to determine the general arget group’s values. Questions for both kinds of researches will for example include what they currently like about Myspace, what they do not like, why they use Myspace, or why they (stopped) using Myspace, what they generally value about Myspace, and their opinions about the competitors such as Facebook. For good measure a detailed research on the competit ors and their best practices is essential. This can be done by further online research on the competitor’s strategies in order to find out what could work for Myspace as well. Plan The following table provides an overview of the estimated time and costs for this project – subject to modifications. For now, I will conduct the research for three weeks, meaning that for example that the online community will be run for three weeks. Part| Time| Costs per hour| Costs per day| Creating online community(5 employees)| 8 hrs| EUR 10 (x5)| EUR 400| Leading discussion online(10 employees)| 3 wks (120 hrs)| EUR 8 (x10)| EUR 9600| Analyzing online community (10 employees)| 2 wks (80 hrs)| EUR 12 (x10)| EUR 9600| Developing questions for both onliny community and interview (4 employees)| 8 hrs| EUR 12 (x4)| EUR 384| Interviews (5 hrs per day)(10 interviewer)| 3 wks (75 hrs)| EUR 12 (x10)| EUR 9000| Evaluation Interview(10 employees)| 2 wks (80 hrs)| EUR 12 (x10)| EUR 9600| Total Costs for staff:| EUR 38584| Further costs: Possible travel costs (for interviewers):ca. EUR 300 Equipment (for Interviewers – recorders etc. ):ca. EUR 400 Technical equipment for online community:ca. EUR 10000 Total Costs:ca. EUR 49284 The additional costs might not apply if the equipment already exists. All prices are including value added taxes. Reflection In this paper I laid the foundation for a re-engineering of Myspace’s Business Model. Back in 2006 and 2007 I was a member of Myspace as well. However, I never liked this social network much since it was confusing, annoying because of all the advertising and I did not feel safe using it. Overall, it did not really work out. Now I am a Facebook user and I totally forgot about Myspace. Apparently, other social network users feel the same way which can be expressed by the declining number of Myspace users. Myspace became quite unpopular, fewer and fewer people visit that site and Facebook out-competed Myspace fast. Therefore I analyzed the problems that resulted in the failure of Myspace. The main overall problem is innovation. Myspace failed to add new features in order to make the platform interesting and worthwhile to keep using it. Myspace totally faded into obscurity wherefore it is essential to re-engineer at the media channels. Also, Myspace did not allow third party developers to help designing the page and add for example applications which not only would make the network more entertaining but also help generating revenues other than advertising. Instead, members were able to design their own profiles. This feature, however, resulted in an overall confusing design and safety problems. Safety problem arose from the bad software as it was easier to install for example spyware. Myspace could not meet the values that the customers need. Aside from bugs such as spyware, spam and phishing, users experienced a great lack of trust and privacy in that online network. To sum it up, I focused on the re-engineering of the following parts of the Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2009): Value Propositions, Media Channels, Key Partners, and Revenue Streams. All parts of the business model are connected though. That is why I analyzed all parts with regards to the others. My idea is that Myspace needs to be innovative. It can do so in analyzing both the values of customers and the best practices of the competitors and then adapt accordingly. With this method, Myspace can add new feature that will surely meet the customers’ desires. This is connected with a new design and key partners. Key partners can not only help with the design but also with innovation by adding applications that make Myspace more interesting. Furthermore, key partners would create another method of generating revenues. Then, Myspace would not only depend on advertising revenues and can reduce the annoying advertising to unostentatious, user-personalized advertising. After its changes, people need to be made aware of the new Myspace. This can be done with a short and catchy email to Myspace members who will then positively experience the re-engineered Myspace and spread the word. Additionally, television and Internet advertising campaigns might help to bring Myspace to the people’s minds. I am convinced that those methods and the further research, suggested in form of qualitative interviews, qualitative online community research and qualitative research on the competitors, would help Myspace to survive the competition in the online environment of social networks as well as stop a further downfall. References About Myspace. (2010). Retrieved November 1, 2011 from Myspace http://www. myspace. com/pressroom/2010/11/myspace-introduces-mashup-with-facebook/ Anderson, J. C. , Narus, J. A. , van Rossum, W. (2006). Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets. Harvard Business Review. Arrington, M. (2011, March 23). Amazingly, MySpace’s Decline is Accelerating. Retrieved October 29, 2011 from http://techcrunch. com/2011/03/23/amazingly-myspaces-decline-is-accelerating/ Bains, L. (2009). Facebook Overtakes MySpace as Most Popular Social Networking  Site. Retrieved November 2, 2011 from http://www. switched. com/2009/01/27/facebook-overtakes-myspace-as-most-popular-social-networking-sit/ Blodget, H. (2010). Ignore The Screams–Facebook's Aggressive Approach Is Why It Will Soon Become The Most Popular Site In The World. Retrieved November 2, 2011 from http://articles. businessinsider. om/2010-05-17/tech/29991115_1_ceo-mark-zuckerberg-facebook-s-pr-innovation Business model re-engineering. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 27, 2011 from AMR International http://www. amrinternational. com/services/corporate_and_business_unit_strategy/business_model_re-engineering Cauwels, P. , Sornette, D. (2011). Quis pendit ipsa pretia: facebook valuation and diagnostic of a bubble based on nonlinear demographic dynamics. Retrieved October 30, 2011 from Cornell University Library http://arxiv. org/abs/1110. 1319 Dwyer, C. , Hiltz, S. , Passerini, K. (2007). Trust and Privacy Concern Within Social Networking

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Facts and Figures of Eudimorphodon

Facts and Figures of Eudimorphodon Although its not nearly as well known as Pteranodon or even Rhamphorhynchus, Eudimorphodon holds an important place in paleontology as one of the earliest identified pterosaurs: this smallish reptile hopped around the coastlines of Europe a whopping 210 million years ago, during the late Triassic period. Eudimorphodon had the wing structure (short forelimbs embedded in an extended flap of skin) characteristic of all pterosaurs, as well as a diamond-shaped appendage on the end of its tail that probably helped it to steer or to adjust its course in mid-air. Judging by the structure of its breastbone, paleontologists believe Eudimorphodon may even have had the ability to actively flap its primitive wings. (By the way, despite its name, Eudimorphodon wasnt particularly closely related to the much later Dimorphodon, beyond the fact that both were pterosaurs.) Name: Eudimorphodon (Greek for true dimorphic tooth); pronounced YOU-die-MORE-fo-don Habitat: Shores of Western Europe Historical Period: Late Triassic (210 million years ago) Size and Weight: Wingspan of two feet and a few pounds Diet: Fish, insects and possibly invertebrates Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; over 100 teeth in snout; diamond-shaped flap on end of the tail Given Eudimorphodons nameGreek for true dimorphic toothyou may surmise that its teeth have been especially diagnostic in tracking the course of pterosaur evolution, and youd be right. Although the snout of Eudimorphodon measured barely three inches long, it was packed with over a hundred teeth, punctuated by six prominent fangs at the end (four on the top jaw and two on the bottom). This dental apparatus, combined with the fact that Eudimorphodon could snap its jaws shut without any spaces between its teeth, points to a diet rich in fishone Eudimorphodon specimen has been identified bearing the fossilized remains of the prehistoric fish Parapholidophorusprobably supplemented by insects or even shelled invertebrates. One of the interesting things about Eudimorphodon is where its type species, E. ranzii, was discovered: near Bergamo, Italy, in 1973, making this one of the most notable prehistoric animals native to Italy.  A second named species of this pterosaur, E. rosenfeldi, was later promoted to its own genus, Carniadactylus, while a third, E. cromptonellus, discovered a couple of decades after E. ranzii in Greenland, was subsequently promoted to the obscure Arcticodactylus. (Confused yet? Well, then youll be glad to know that yet another Eudimorphodon specimen discovered in Italy in the 1990s, which had been tentatively classified as an individual of E. ranzii, was likewise kicked up to the newly designated genus Austriadraco in 2015.)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Out of Hart, Dworkin and Altman, who provided the best understanding Essay

Out of Hart, Dworkin and Altman, who provided the best understanding of judicial discretion What implication do their position have for the legitimacy of judic - Essay Example After Roper says he would cut down every law in England that kept him from pursuing and capturing the Devil, More answers: Oh And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake! (Bolt 46) In other words, from More's perspective, the protections that the law affords everyone are worth the protections that the law offers the accused, no matter how obvious his or her guilt may seem. More clearly advocates a fairly literal application of the law and would frown on a great deal of legislation from judicial benches. More, of course, lived four centuries ago. Legal philosophy has changed a great deal since then. One movement that has been particularly influential in the past century has been the advent of legal positivism. This idea asserts a fundamental difference between law and morality. By extension, this idea suggests that there is room for judges to act as social activists, and use rulings to ameliorate the damage that the gaps between the laws as they stand and the ethics of particular situations can wreak. H.L.A. Hart, Ronald Dworkin, and Alfred Altman all have perspectives on the proper role of judicial activism and discretion. Dworkin and Hart come in on basically opposite sides of the argument. While Dworkin views the law as a system that always provides a correct answer, through his Theory of Adjudication (Gaffrey 22), Hart asserts that laws themselves are "open-textured" and that there is room for judges to use discretion to plug the gaps between legal rules and morals (Bix 52). Altman takes a middle view based on his idea of "truncation," which basically refers to a judge knowing when to apply the law to its most literal extent, and when to abridge its extension (Altman 5). Given the liberal ideals of the modern rule of law in the United Kingdom, it would seem that this middle way provides the most room for compromises in cases where compromises are clearly needed, without permitting judges to become too activist in their rulings. Hart's concept of legal positivism divides the law into two categories: primary, or duty-imposing, rules, and secondary, or power-imposing rules. Primary rules confer rights or set obligations: criminal law is made up of only primary rules, for example. Secondary rules dictate the ways in which primary rules are made and enforced. An example would be the rules that dictate the makeup of Parliament, and the rules governing the enactment of acts in Parliament (Bix 51). One of the most crucial elements of Hart's theory is the "open texture theory." Hart uses the term "open texture" to mean that there are some situations in which judges should apply discretion when there is a case that may be said to fall outside existing rule of law. He supports this assertion with three reasons. First, language itself, which comprises laws, contains many loopholes, just by virtue of its very nature. While words in a legal rule may well

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Faith and Vocation-Child and Family Services Coursework

Faith and Vocation-Child and Family Services - Coursework Example I have a strong vocation for child and family services because this field offers the most opportunity for integration of faith. Following discussion seeks to illuminate the reality of this claim that â€Å"developing a strong bond between faith and vocation can help one give a definite spiritual meaning to professions like child and family services.† Fea (2010) claims that people are obligated to use whatever knowledge they have in promoting common good according to how it is stipulated in the Bible. According to Hughes & Hughes (2005), it is our duty as Christians to use our skills in a manner that reflects the position we are given by God. Christians believe that God is very pleased when He sees His people using their skills in accordance with the Holy Scriptures. In Matthew 5: 44, Jesus announces the desire of God saying, â€Å"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you† (cited in Scheele, 2006, p. 131). Therefore, it is a religious obligation of children and family service providers to remain professional under all circumstances and help their clients despite their inadequacies. We are not sent by our Lord to greedily advance our personal interests while eschewing the welfare of humanity. It is due to the fact that we have stopped seeing faith and vocation as two entities inextricably linked to one another that such despair and anguish has taken the place of peace in our lives. Remembering the teachings of Jesus Christ when interacting with disadvantaged children and families is bound to motivate us to give our best to those in need because of this influential message in our minds that we have to die one day and answer God. It is important to enumerate just how faith can be expressed by a professional within the field of children and family services. For example, a child of divorced parents can be assisted by a certified specialist in dealing with pressures of daily life by encouraging his/her faith. Every time a disadvantaged child is brought by children

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thomas Davison finance report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Thomas Davison finance report - Essay Example Salaries Wages and Payroll Costs A more detailed study of the available accounting data reveals that Salaries and Wages showed a 9.6% negative variance over the budgeted amount and Payroll Costs also showed a negative variance of 9.6%. While Salaries and Wages are basically the amount of money paid to employees and are self explanatory, it must be mentioned that Payroll Costs essentially consist of employers’ contribution to social security and other statutory expenditures incurred by an employer in connection with employing a personnel. These variances, though noteworthy, can, however, be explained. One must remember there is a genuine dearth of good manpower in the area of operation of our company and the management must be prepared to pay high remuneration packages if they are intent upon selecting the best that is available in the market. So, an increase in Salaries and Wages and Salaries is bound to happen if the company wishes to remain competitive. The increase in Payro ll Costs by almost an equal percentage is obvious as these are statutory liabilities that are bound to increase if Salaries and Wages increase. The main variance, however, lies in Recruitment Costs which is a massive 82% over what had been budgeted. This surely needs some serious analysis. Employee Training and Development Costs The foundation of any organization is talented and hardworking people who are the principal assets of any firm, especially one that is involved in providing consultancy services. It is an established fact that the growth of an organization requires continual infusion of quality staff and an organization can achieve its objectives only when it has the right person in right positions (Carlson, Connerley and Mecham 2002). But this is a continuous process that just does not begin and end with getting hold of suitable people and somehow put them on company’s payroll. Even in a situation where only a single job vacancy might attract a few hundreds of applic ations, there is a challenge of selecting the most appropriate one. Freshly appointed persons might need orientation training to familiarize them of the way things are done in the organization. And, in case they have been selected only on the basis of academic qualifications and aptitude for learning, they might need training in specific skills as well. The employee’s experiences during orientation and placement form their ‘first impression’ of the organization. So, any organization, especially a service provider like us that is so very much dependent on the quality of human resources available at our disposal we should be extra cautious about ensuring that the new recruits get a very good â€Å"first impression’ about our organization. This would motivate employees and who does not know that a motivated employee is the costliest resource that an organization can ever possess. However, training and development is never restricted to new employees. Even ex isting employees, whilst on job, need training for up-gradation of knowledge and skills and for preparing for higher responsibilities. One should never lose sight of the acutely competitive market where we operate. It is absolutely necessary for our company to be well acquainted with cutting edge technology in order to remain at the top of the heap and this can only happen if there is a continuous system of training and deve

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Understanding strategic corporate social responsibility Essay

Understanding strategic corporate social responsibility - Essay Example One of these is called strategic corporate social responsibility, an interesting perspective that is often equated with enlightened self-interest. Considerable amount of literature have been produced on the subject of the stakeholder concept. In addition to the identification of who these stakeholders are, attempts have been made to categorise them. Clarkson (1995) has divided them into primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. The former are those who are essential to the survival of the firm: the owners/shareholders, customers, employees, communities, the government, and (contingently) suppliers and creditors. Secondary stakeholders are those that are not essential to the firms survival but are affected by its operations; these include interest groups such as environmentalists, the media, intellectual critics, trade associations, and even competitors. An expansive view would include future generations and natural entities such as the earths atmosphere, oceans, terrain, other living creatures as part of the stakeholders. In this stakeholder model, the welfare of each is an end in itself, not just a means to enrich or b enefit investors. This is in contrast with the traditional concept which puts the interests of the investors/ shareholders as paramount. There are several definitions of corporate social responsibility, but in general, according to Buchholz (1992), the concept means that a private corporation has responsibilities to society that go beyond the production and sale of goods and services at a profit – that the corporation has a broader constituency than the stockholders alone. Post et al (1996) states that a corporation should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities, and their environment. Further, the corporation relates to society through more than just the marketplace and serves a wider range of human values than the traditional economic values that are dominant in the marketplace.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Swot Analysis On Pizza Hut Marketing Essay

A Swot Analysis On Pizza Hut Marketing Essay SWOT Analysis is one of several strategic planning tools that are utilized by businesses plan, gives overall direction to an organization within its chosen environment, guides allocation of resources and efforts. SWOT analysis also provides information that is helpful in matching the firms resources and capabilities with the competitive environment that it operates. Other than this, the process of SWOT involves four areas of consideration: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It should be noted that when identifying and classifying relevant factors, the focus is not just on internal matters, but also external components that could impact the success of the project. Strengths are defined as the positive attributes of the organization, which are within the organizations control. Such as, specialist marketing and advertising skills, patents, introduction of new and innovative product or service, cost benefit through proprietary knowledge, strong reputation. Weaknesses is f actors that are within the organization control and can easily be improved. It is necessary to take care of your weaknesses because these factors can detract you in achieving your goals and objectives. Opportunities is portunities are the external factors that are providing benefit your business directly or indirectly. Such as, market growth, careful research about market, market size. Threats these are also the external factors, which are not in organizations control, but they can seriously damage your organization mission. Threats include competition, economic crises, earthquakes, competition, price war, new regulations. Pizza Hut is the company owned by Yum! Brands in 1997 by Wichita and Kansas. The headquarter is located at Texas USA. The company is engaged in restaurant industry producing wide range of pizzas, pastas etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ By 1972, with 314 stores nationwide, Pizza Hut went public on the New York Stock Exchange under the stock ticker symbol PIZ.In 1977, Pizza Hut was acquired by PepsiCo, who later also bought KFC and Taco Bell. In 1997, the three restaurant chains were spun off into Tricon, and in 2002 joined with Long John Silvers and AW Restaurants to become YUM! Brands. Pizza Huthas opened Pizza Hut Express which specializes in small 6pizzas. The oldest continuously operating Pizza Hut in the world is in Manhattan, Kansas, in a shopping and tavern district known as Aggie Ville. 2.0 SWOT for Pizza Hut 2.1 Strengths The strengths of Pizza Hut is the main strengths of company is their focus on their product and services. Added to that is the ambience or the facility which is not under the category of fast food but a restaurant. The idea of creating this kind venue is to provide the bond between families and friends. Another factor is the on-going efforts of the restaurant to provide the healthier pizza. It is because they found out that there is a percentage of their target that is health conscious. The idea is to strip or cut off the unnecessary calories and fats when the cheeses is added to the dough. The product reinvention did not stop there as the company included to their menus that news tastes and combination of different pizza which is according to the tastes and preferences of the consumers. To gain additional trust from the market, the company pursues their research and develops pizza dippers, as another answer to their never-ending customer demands. 2.1.1 Weakness Pizza Hut is identified as the largest users of cheese that affects the pizza hut branches that lacks the supply of cheese. The problem with alternatives is eventually identified buy the consumers and there is a narrow choices for substitutes. Other than that, the company reported that they incurred high cost in terms of their production, the root of this problem is on the intense competition and their pizza reinvention just to satisfy the taste buds of the customers. As a result, the overhead cost pushed the restaurant branches to have additional charge, not knowing that because of their action, there is more probability to lost most of their consumers. 2.1.2 Opportunities Pizza Hut opened lots of doors through their pizza reinventions or product innovation. This is evident in the increase on the revenue and increasing brand loyalty with their customers. Their service and products are outstanding and the offered new taste combinations and expansion of the varieties of menus also touched their pastas, beverages, and desserts. As said earlier, the opportunity is also part of the marketing strategy of the company to provide the proper utilization of the technology through their online-ordering system. The use of landline is still viable but the evolving world of technology where almost 70% of their customers is sitting in front of the computer gives the company bright ideas to establish their relation with them, with their customers own convenience. 2.1.3 Threats Many companies are bothered by the high competition and Pizza Hut is not different from those companies. Competition really gets the firms to push their limitations and boost up the needed investment just to answer the risky competition. Pizza Hut is also concerned with their customer satisfaction and most of the extensive research and development is allotted to the needs of the customers. The roles of prices, promotions, advertisement, and delivery systems make the competition too risky and lead the customer in some series of confusion. When there are many options, the customers find it hard to choose and sometimes lead to dissatisfaction. 2.2 Market share In the near of the place have a Pizza Hut. Their business is good from many customer. There are many ways to other a pizza and their add-ons in Pizza Hut. The customer can choose whether the order can be made by call or by online. In call ordering, the customer will dial a specific number that been assigned for pizza hut call centre. Here, a customer will be asked about their name and address. The detail will be stored in a database therefore when the same customer call again, their address are already been identified. The customer then can state their order and the staff that work in call centre will double check the order for confirmation. The staff will detail the time of delivery and the price for the customer to stand by. After a certain time, the order will be delivered to the customer. The customer will pay the price and enjoyed the pizza. For online ordering, IT infrastructures are totally involved. The customer needs to log in to Pizza Hut (Malaysia) website using internet. From there, they need to log in. If the customer is a first time using the services, therefore, the customer needs to register. In the registration, the customer will need to fill up a form that asked about the details of the customer such as name, identity card(IC), address, phone number and others important details and will be stored in a database. The interesting fact that using online ordering in Pizza Hut is that the customer can save their favorite choice of menus for future order. Then, the customer will state the order and check the order before checkout. After checkout, the customer will need to pay using A transaction authorization code (TAC) is needed for security reason. After payment had been settled, there will be an email sent it to the customer to confirming the order had been received. The customer will received the order by delivery within hour or on the specific date that been selected by the customer itself. Why are there good of business The fast food self-service concept like KFC, McDonalds, AW and Marrybrown seemed to draw more lunch time crowd compared with Pizza Huts dine-in concept of catering mainly to dinner crowd. This causes a major restaurant space slag and wasted capacity due to timing difference. But then, Pizza Hut Malaysia is part of KFC and strategically, this is a niche over second generation type of restaurant practiced by Dominos Pizza What Pizza Hut may attempt to do is to introduce a fast food lunch package consisting of a slice of pizza, garlic bread, coleslaw/salad and a Pepsi and pricing the lunch pack equal or cheaper to the fast food counterpart to draw lunchtime crowd. Most office workers have only one hour and speed of service is key to its success. This will definitely increase sales turnover and eventually proliferate the pizza eating culture in Malaysia. Pizza Hut restaurants are centrally located and combine modern dà ©cor with the atmosphere of a classic, traditional restaurant. The comfort of our restaurants, their carefully designed lighting and modern music, create an attractive environment. All our restaurants have air conditioning. Our sanitation network and our strict adherence to the rules of the health inspectorate ensure that all our restaurants are clean and hygienic. Conclusion Pizza Hut has many targets which it has achieve in a given period of time. The time-period is mostly a tear. Therefore, in order to fulfill the targets different strategies are adopted by Pizza Hut. It can be concluded that these strategies have been successful and there is flexibility in the strategies, as they can be changed with the changes in the market conditions as well as the targets. Pizza Hut has built the strong reputation of its brand throw giving the quality products and earned the respect from its customers. Its innovation and quality with commitment took higher and higher during past few years. But still the company is planning to go and capture more market share. The employees and the management know what they have to attained through the targets which have been put to them and the plans they have assumed help them recognize the way they will accomplish the objectives. Similarly, Pizza Hut has diverse targets set to the mand they have adopted different strategies to su ccessfully achieve the targets set. 1.0 Introduction The factors which influence a decision are also termed as its environment. The environment can be Internal, can be controlled by the organization; Micro, specific to the industry and is different for different industries; and lastly Macro, generic in nature and impacts the whole business environment. The Macro Environment includes all the factors which are external to the firm and which cannot be controlled by the organization. And also they are not specific to any industry but influence all the firms but the influence may be at different level. As a Marketing manager, on musty have knowledge of different factors which influences the marketing decision of a firm, And also since they are not controllable, one must adjust the decisions as per the changes in the environment. The Important factors comprising the Macro Environment of Marketing are Demographic, Economic, Socio-Cultural, Natural, Technological and Political-Legal. Influence of each factor shall be discussed in detail in the following parameters. 2.0 Macro-environment factors would impact on the operation of Pizza Hut of Malaysia 2.1 Demographic factors The demographic factors in the take-out pizza industry have provided new positive opportunities for companies in the industry. Now day, Pizza hut have many ways to order. Many people like to use the number specially to order the pizza from Pizza Hut. Pizza Huts general market segment is younger generation. But they go wide in this thing. They segment high incomes and business class families which can spend money on the best pizza sin the market. Pizza Huts global slogan is also describing its market segmentation that is Now its time to eat more. But in Pakistan, the slogan is Share the good times. Main age group is12-30 years. Pizza Hut Pakistan offers Halal foods to all its customers. Pizza Huts general market segment is younger generation. But they go wide in this thing. They segment high incomes and business class families which can spend money on the best pizzas in the market. Pizza Huts global slogan is also describing its market segmentation that is Now its time to eat more. Bu t in Pakistan, the slogan is Share the good times. Main age group is 12-30 years. Pizza Hut Pakistan offers Halal foods to all its customers. 2.2 Economic environment Economic environment is the factors that affect consumer buying power and spending patterns. For Pizza Hut, this part is concerned to the overall perspective for the economy. The macro economy of a nation has a huge impact on a business such as Pizza Hut. Factors in the economy include the gross domestic products, the unemployment and inflation rates, the foreign trade deficit and surplus. If the overall economy of a country is not favourable, lesser people will franchise Pizza Hut because they will most likely loss a great amount of money instead obtaining profits. 2.3 Natural environment Pizza Hut for being the first mainstream fast food chain to jump on the Natural wagon. I saw an advertisement today for Pizza Huts new Natural pizza. Whats so natural about this pizza. 1. Multi-Grain Crust (note not organic, not whole wheat, but a multitude of grains) 2. Sauce made-with organic tomatoes 3. Choice of new natural toppings (which from the images they showed consists of sliced tomatoes and begs the question are the rest of the toppings not-natural?) 4. All-Natural mozzarella cheese Its just yet another example of the bastardization of the term natural. Junk food purveyors of the world are all racing to slap the term natural on their packaging to win the hearts, taste buds and market share of pseudo-conscious consumers. 2.4 Technological environment The technological environment is about the new technology creates new markets and opportunities, replaces existing products and service. Also to research and development activity drives this sector, country spending on RD. Other than that, technological environment include government programs to encourage more and government agencies to regulate new product safety. The fast changes in technology nowadays have far-reaching effects in the business. The factors that have a huge impact are the research and development, internet and e-commerce, and new technologies. The research and development has effects on the business of Pizza Hut because through RD new products are developed for the business, the internet and e-commerce also contributes to the technological factors because through them customers can give feedback regarding the products of Pizza Hut which can also aid in the research and development, and the service of the company. Political environment Political environment is about laws, government agencies, and pressure groups, influence and limit organizations and individuals within a society, increasing legislation. And also increased emphasis on ethics and social responsibility. Business legislation is used to protect consumers, businesses, and the interests of society. It is the most difficult from the four factors because the attitudes and beliefs of people are difficult to quantify. Aside from the attitudes and beliefs, demographic factors such as population and life expectancy are also important aspects in the analysis of the social factors. The influence of the values and beliefs affects the business of Pizza Hut. For example in India beef or pork is not served in the Pizza. The changing trends in the taste of the consumers also play an important role in the external analysis of the environment. If the current trend in the society is being health conscious, thus consumers will demand that the foods be healthy. Its most di fficult from the four factors because the attitudes and beliefs of people are difficult to quantity. Aside from the attitudes and beliefs, demographic factors such as population and life expectancy are also important aspects in the analysis of the social factors. The influence of the values and beliefs affects the business of Pizza Hut. The changing trends in the taste of the consumers also play an important role in the external analysis of the environment, if the current trend in food is thai. Therefore Pizza Hut can add an additional food such as vietnarnese or thai soups. If the current treand in the society is being health conscious, thus consumers will demand that the food be healty. Cultural environment Cultural environment is an institutions and other forces that influence. Societys basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviours. Core beliefs passed on through family, reinforced by institutions and secondary beliefs are more open to change. Sometimes that peoples views of, themselves, others organizations, society, nature and the universe. Each country has its own specific culture which is called National Culture and can be defined as : The values, belief, attitude and norms shared by individuals from a specific country that shape their behavior and beliefs about what is important? Every global organization has its own culture which is called Organizational Culture. Pizza Hut manages in global environment by giving more importance and emphasis to the national culture than its own culture. 3.0 Conclusion Pizza Hut is company who business model had stood the test of time. Today they are an industry giant with name recognition and restaurants spanning the globe. The company has been able to retain market share despite efforts by competitors due to introduction of new products and services and the customer focus. Pizza Hut strives to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty. They created a system in order to receive customer feedback in order to improve service. They also created a bonus structure which makes individual store managers focus on the customer experience. The bonus structure needs to be restructure to avoid the current situation of managers of poor performing stores receiving bonuses while managers of very profitable stores, receiving less if not nothing at all. The focus on the customer experience is a contributing attribute which separates the company from the rest of the competition. If your customer is satisfied and feels you are delivering good value, then loyalty will grow your business. A loyal, satisfied customer, is you best form of advertising. And also they are not specific to any industry but influence all the firms but the influence may be at different level.