Friday, May 22, 2020

The Rights Of African Americans - 1631 Words

The emancipation proclamation was what seemed like the beginning of freedom for African Americans. African Americans fought hard and valiantly in the American Civil war and with the Unions win freedom and peace for blacks seemed to be assured. As most people would quote, Freedom isn t free. It almost always has a cost. Africans Americans since the origin of this country have literally laid down their lives for the cost of freedom and opportunity in the US. One of the most coveted freedom s both past and present is the right to suffrage. My paper discusses the many factors leading to and the trials and tribulations involving black s right to vote. In this paper, I will discuss the constitutional amendments as well as the landmark supreme court cases that affected both the lives and voting rights of African Americans during the time period of 1865 through 1900. The Emancipation Proclamation only outlawed slavery in rebellious states. After the Civil war, there was a need to pass legislation that abolished slavery and well as make African Americans citizens endowed with civil liberties. What would be called the Civil War, or the Reconstruction amendments were created to solve this issue. The Civil war amendments sponsors were Charles Sumner a senator of Massachusetts a well know abolitionist and crusader of civil rights, Lyman Trumbull who had served as both a Democrat and a Republican for the state of Illinois and John Henderson a senator Missouri who later served onShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Voting Rights For African Americans988 Words   |  4 PagesWhen Washington was delivering the Atlanta Exposition he claimed that â€Å"according of the full exercise of political rights is going to be a matter of natural, slow growth, not an over-night [Sic] gourd-vine affair†. However, Du Bois believed that it was necessary to agitate and upset to gain voting rights for African Americans, essentially believing that their freedom and their right to vote had to be explosive and upset the social order. Through political power, Du Bois felt that economic securityRead MoreAfrican Americans Rights Treatment1577 Words   |  7 Pagestime, African Americans slaves were freed and given many rights by the U.S. government. African Americans’ rights treatment by white southerners during the times of 1880 and 1920 were unfair and unacceptable. The African American’s rights were oppressed by different methods that white southerners used to accomplish that. White southerners had a purpose for restricting African Americans from their rights that were given to them. The relationship between the white southerners and African Americans duringRead MoreThe Civil Rights Of African Americans891 Words   |  4 Pagespay reparations to African Americans. My partner and I stand in affirmative of the following resolution. Resolved:The united states government ought to pay reparations to African Americans. African Americans have had roughly 300 years of legalized oppression. If that doesn’t entitle a group to reparations, I’m not sure what does. This would benefit ALL Americans by providing the environment in which African-American talent can rise to its potential that is why we as Americans have the duty to payRead MoreCivil Rights For African Americans1001 Words   |  5 PagesCivil Rights for African Americans Marciano Castillo Government 3P May 5, 2015 For centuries African Americans have been treated differently because of the color of their skin. They’ve been slaves, segregated, and discriminated, and been forced to fight for equality. Till this day African Americans are discriminated but yet have accomplished a lot from changing laws to changing the way they are viewed. The first slaves arrived in Virginia around the 1600’s and was the jumpstart to whatRead MoreThe Civil Rights Of African Americans2436 Words   |  10 Pages The term civil rights is very broad when it comes a definition. It has many different aspects as in to what it can mean, from integration all the way to voting rights of African Americans. My main point is to focus on the Selma Marches from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama, but also to dig deeper in to it to find the significance of a certain day, the day was called â€Å"Bloody Sunday.† I want to find out the historical situation behind the marchers who were beat and killed on that day. RacismRead MoreThe Civil Rights Of African Americans2645 Words   |  11 PagesThe term civil rights is very broad when it is to be defined. It has many different aspects as in to what it can mean, from integration all the way to voting rights of African Americans. My main point is to focus on the Selma Marches from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama, but also to dig deeper into it to find the significance of a certain day, the day was called â€Å"Bloody Sunday.† I want to f ind out the historical situation behind the marchers who were beat and killed on that day and also lookRead MoreThe Civil Rights Of African Americans2740 Words   |  11 Pages As the United States put an end to slavery, and oppression of African Americans, the country needed aggressive policies to really end discrimination, and segregation. In several part of the country, African Americans were still considered as second class citizen. In the south, the social climate did not change. Many companies did not hire black at all. White southerners did not want integration in school or equal opportunity for black people. The federal government wanted to change the situationRead MoreThe African American Civil Rights Movement1450 Words   |  6 PagesThe African American civil rights movement was a long journey for African American nationwide. The success involved many people, hardships and time in order to advance the African American community in America. The purpose of the movement was to achieve their rights, cease discrimination, and racial segregation. During the start of the African American civil rights movement, Africans Americans still were faced with Jim Crow laws which segregated them from whites. Under the Jim Crow laws AfricanRead MoreAfrican American Civil Rights Movement1525 Words   |  7 PagesFollowing World War I, a new, militant spirit of resistance and activism burgeoned among African-American citizens across the United States. Empowered by the sense that blacks had played a crucial role in the conflict, the descendants of freedmen returned home to fight for their own rights only to find persecution; this dire situation called for immediate, decisive action. During the interwar years, African Americans in the southwest Georgia Black Belt fought for community empowerment and, through theRead MoreThe African American Civil Right Movement1040 Words   |  5 PagesThe African American Civil right movement in the late 1950’s and throughout the 1960’s was a powerful fight for equal opportunities to the ba sic rights and privileges outlined by the US government. During this movement thousands of African American individuals and those who believed in the power of the movement, battled against the piercing white supremacy through various tactics including grass root movements. The grass root movements in the 60’s was characterized by organizations of individuals

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